The Role of the Designer in the Innovation Process: Experience of a Large Supermarket Chain
DS 30: Proceedings of DESIGN 2002, the 7th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik
Year: 2002
Editor: Marjanovic D.
Author: Tacla, I.; Divry, C.; Sainz, C.; Magnon, L.
Section: Multidisciplinary aspects of design
Page(s): 935-940
This paper concerns the design of new checkouts for an SA group of a supermarket chain. The goal of this research was to extend the approach to the general situation of payment and not just to improve the checkouts. We are interested in the rationale underlying the project concerning the innovation aspects. In this paper we present the contributions of the designer to the whole innovation process and how he/she handles the information flows associable or associated to him/her in the specific case of the checkout project.
Keywords: industrial design, innovation process, project team