Methodology for multiple life cycles product ecodesign
Year: 2017
Editor: Anja Maier, Stanko Škec, Harrison Kim, Michael Kokkolaras, Josef Oehmen, Georges Fadel, Filippo Salustri, Mike Van der Loos
Author: Troussier, Nadege; Sirina, Natalia; Adragna, Pierre-Antoine; Amaya, Jorge; Reyes, Tatiana
Series: ICED
Institution: 1: University of Technology of Troyes, France; 2: ESPOL Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador
Section: Resource Sensitive Design, Design Research Applications and Case Studies
Page(s): 121-129
ISBN: 978-1-904670-89-6
ISSN: 2220-4342
Knowing how to design new production systems in order to better address sustainable development is a major stake. In this framework, designing new value networks that imply new products should integrate a lot of consideration such as technical performance of the product but also environmental impacts of the value network. This paper aims at contributing in design for system innovation and transition. It is based on mainly technical prospective analysis but in order to make people anticipate the main factors that will impact on environment on several product's life cycles as soon as possible when thinking the first life. The main question addressed is then how to define several product life cycles? What are the main technical factors that will influence environmental impacts? It proposes a methodology based on coupling design of experiment with Life Cycle Assessment for multiple life product ecodesign. The proposal is presented on a case study that aims at defining lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and home energy management systems.
Keywords: Ecodesign, Evaluation, Sustainability